Is your website mobile-ready?
It is estimated that nearly half of all browsing on the internet is now done with mobile devices (mobile phones, and tablet PC's). Mobile shopping is one of the main driving forces behind this, as people are finding it increasingly convenient to place orders for items they want, as and when they wish, without the need to reach fo the laptop or fire up their desktop PC.
One very important thing that is likely to put someone off browsing your site on a mobile device is whether or not it's mobile-friendly. Most people don't even realise that they're using a mobile-friendly site - BUT they do notice when a site IS NOT mobile-friendly. As you're likely to already know, screen sizes vary so much between mobiles, tablets, laptops and desktops. A mobile-friendly site (also known as a responsive site) will automatically adjust the content/layout of your web pages to fit nicely onto various different screen sizes.
A site that isn't responsive will simply 'squash' the entire web page down to a size that fits wholly onto the screen - often resulting in the tiniest of text, unreadable unless you zoom in, as well as clickable areas that are too small for even the most pointy of finger tips to touch on accurately (if you've been lucky enough to read what you're clicking on!).
Also, following Google's recent changes to its algorithms, apparently websites which are mobile-ready will be given preference in search results over those that aren't. Although we haven't seen any strong evidence of this yet, it is becoming more and more likely that this division will become clear as your competitors follow suit and redevelop their websites to be mobile-friendly.
We welcome you to talk to us at TRM Web Design about making your website mobile-friendly. Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.